Jac's House, Glamour Night!!

This was a great night that took several local professionals to pull off these amazing images. I reached out back in January to organize a night with these local professionals in order to create an evening of Glamour and Editorial styled photos. I was extremely lucky to have them all commit and join me. I didn’t have a lot of time, so we had to work fast. I set up two separate studio sets so that we could maximize what we could create in the short amount of time that we had. I chose to keep it to a white backdrop and a black backdrop along with a few props knowing that I had about 5 or six specific photos I wanted to achieve. A lot of preplanning when into this ie: construction of the props and mapping out my lighting plans. Without this preplanning the night would have been a flop.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do. Cheers!

Thanks to the following Professionals that made this all work out:

Models: Crystal Durdle, Krystal French and Meaghan Boswell

MUAs: Katie Bowen and Ethan Smith

Hiar Stylist: Meaghan Boswell

Location: Jac’s House by Jaclyn White

Lighting/Technical Assistant and behind the scenes photography: Jim Kirkwood